From Brazil to Peru: The complete export logistics of a stator

FOX Brasil Freight Forwarder

For the largest companies, as is well known, managing a supply chain may require dedicated teams in all areas the chain touches. So, it is safe to say that supply chain management is both an art and a science.

FOX Brasil Project Logistics was hired by Andritz, a renowned company specializing in industrial energy equipment, to manage the export of hydropower equipment for the Matucana power plant under an extremely tight schedule. Our customer made another importante request that is “avoid extra handling and moving the cargo”. Considering this instruct, we aligned the discharge of the cargo from the truck directly to mafi equipment. The same action, was made at the Port of destination. The cargo was loaded from the mafi directly to the truck, in order to maximize transport eficiency.

Our scope of work included the reception of the cargo at the Brazilian Port – Santos, São Paulo – all the management and handling of the cargoes, stuffing, lashing, the international ocean freight, complete port terminal handling at the Country of destination – Port of Callao, Peru, and delivery of the pieces at the Matucana Plant.

The Hydroelectric Power Plant of Matucana began operations in 1972 and is located on the San Jerónimo District of Surco, in the 64.5km east of Lima. The intake is connected to the plant through a 20-km tunnel. Matucana’s surge tank is made up of two 500-metre-long underground chambers, with a capacity of 30.000 m3 each which allows this plant a nominal capacity that may run up three hours, even in dry periods.

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