The best talent retention practices in the supply chain segment

FOX Brasil Tips for Freight Forwarders

Talent retention is one of the most essential facets of running a successful logistics business. In case you are unfamiliar with this term, it basically consists of the ability a company has to maintain its employees over time, ensuring low turnover rates and higher productivity scales.

Although retaining talent is necessary to preserve a logistics company’s knowledge, high morale, satisfied customers and even sales growth, the practices to do so are often overlooked in this field. The reason for this varies from lack of awareness or the simple fact logistics professionals weren’t educated to apply talent retention strategies as part of their company culture.

And taking into account how competitive the logistics market is, not working on talent retention strategies may eventually result in every manager’s worst nightmare: the resignment of some of their best employees. This ends up affecting a company’s routine, expertise, and productivity. Besides, it means extra work for the professional in charge of finding someone else to fill in the gap, training this person and making sure they are the right fit for the job.

Do you find yourself unsure about what your logistics company could be doing in order to keep employees satisfied and avoid turnover? This post is for you! Read on and find out the most important practices for talent retention in the logistics market!


Talent retention practices for logistics businesses 


  • Offer career plans


Besides offering a healthy work environment, one of the most effective ways to retain your employees is making sure that they have some growth perspective by working at your company. After all, as professionals progress and accumulate responsibilities inside a company, it is more than natural they will want to be recognized for their work.

This is why it is so important to provide your staff with a clear career plan, in which they know exactly how to progress and what their path can be over the years. This will do more than just keep your employees in your company, it will motivate them to do their best in order to evolve as expected.


  • Invest in your employees


It is safe to say that every professional in the logistics field wants to be paid at or above market rates and have good benefits. However, a good employee retention strategy is showing your team that your investment in them goes beyond their salary.

There are other ways to make your employees feel valued by your company, such as sponsoring their attendance in logistics events and fairs or even offering courses related to their field of expertise, so they can constantly improve and acquire abilities that somehow contribute to their work performance. On top of that, it is also a bright idea to implement reward systems and offer some kind of bonus as a recognition for your staff’s good work.


  • Provide good work-life balance


Research consistently finds that providing employees with a healthy work-life balance helps to retain employees at a company. The reason is simple: people tend to enjoy working at businesses that adapt their policies to contribute to their employees’ quality of life, both in and out of the office.

Encouraging your employees to take vacation time, allow them to do flexible hours and organize special events are some examples of actions that can make much difference in building up motivation between your professionals!


  • Communication and feedback


When it comes to talent retention, keeping open lines of communication with your employees is key. It is important that all professionals in your company feel welcome to come to you with ideas, questions, and concerns, and likewise, that they are open to receive constructive feedback from you on how to improve their performance.

Establishing good communication with your team will contribute for them to feel more comfortable in the work environment and always let you know when there is something on their mind, giving you the opportunity to take these inputs and transform them into better practices.


Start putting these strategies into practice and you’ll see how your company’s employee retention will increase significantly!

Do you want to know about other ways to optimize your company’s logistics operations? Access FOX Brasil’s blog and check out our exclusive content with the best information on international transportation and logistics!




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