Loaded on 3 x 40?Flat Rack Containers OOG 1 x piece loaded on a Flat Rack Bed on board

Logística de Projetos

FOX Brasil | Project Logistics successfully handled the logistics of 4 x out of gage components composing a boiler, destinated to a biomass power plant at Brazil?s country side.


Description                 Qty      L(m)                W (m)              H (m)

Convection tube         1          12,550             4,38                 3,40

Hearth                          1          10,700             3,85                 4,20

Economizer                 1          10,880             3,85                 2,65

Combustion                1           11,450              3,75                  3,75



FOX Brasil?s team has managed the logistics from the sea freight, receiving under hook on delivery 1000km inside the country at job site. A route survey was performed previously for the whole project management.


Occupational Safety and Health rules were specially taken into account, due to the high risk for contamination during the Covid-19 outbreak in Brazil.


FOX Brasil | Project Logistics is specialized on managing the logistics for #turnkeyproject #biomasspowerplant. Please count on our support on your next project: project@foxbrasil.com



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