


Compreendendo a Alfândega: O Portal para o Comércio Internacional

The term “customs” often finds its way into conversations about international trade, but what are customs exactly? What is the importance of customs on international trade transactions? We will answer these questions and more on this blog post. Read on! […]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

A Importância de Práticas Eco-Friendly em Armazéns no Comércio Internacional

It is essential to highlight the importance of eco-friendly practices in warehouses within the context of international trade. These spaces play a crucial role in the global supply chain and have the potential to adopt sustainable measures to reduce environmental […]

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Os benefícios dos serviços de courier para o seu negócio de e-commerce

The e-commerce market has been blooming for the past few years as consumers keep choosing to shop online rather than in person. Having an entire country?s population as potential clients already offers a wide range of possibilities, but a way […]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

Transporte Multimodal: Aumentando a Eficiência e Reduzindo o Impacto Ambiental no Comércio Global

Multimodal Transportation: Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Environmental Impact in Global Trade In today’s interconnected world, international trade is a vital driver of economic growth. However, the increasing volume of goods being transported globally poses significant challenges to the environment. As […]

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As principais rotas marítimas do Comércio Global

Ocean shipping is responsible for over eighty percent of all globally traded products and it is a major part of what keeps the world running. It is definitely the cheapest way to transport cargo between countries and continents and it […]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

Reduza o impacto da sua empresa no meio ambiente: formas simples de fazer a diferença

Even our simplest everyday actions produce carbon dioxide emissions, as well as other types of pollution, and no one better than ourselves to turn that situation around and start taking initiatives. As companies, we need to think of ourselves as […]

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Como reduzir os custos ao transportar cargas

Existem muitos custos envolvidos em manter um negócio funcionando, desde impostos governamentais até salários de funcionários e, se o envio de mercadorias fizer parte das atividades da sua empresa, o frete também pode ocupar grande parte do seu orçamento. No entanto, […]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

Qual é a melhor forma de conseguir novos clientes na indústria de agenciamento de cargas?

Logistics is a profitable field, open to people from all backgrounds, with experience levels that go from beginner to expert and, for that reason, it is also a very competitive scenario where you have to put in some hard work […]

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Consolidação de cargas: como ela pode beneficiar seus negócios

Shipping smaller parcels of freight, be it domestic or overseas, can turn out to be more expensive than sending full container loads of cargo, especially if you?re not familiar with the available alternatives for smaller volumes of freight in the […]

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