O que é a PTAX e como funciona


Trading in general is a practice that has money transactions as one of its most important aspects and, when we?re talking about International Trade, the money flow is constant and involves many different currencies each with their own values. The PTAX is a vital part of the financial aspect of international trade and very important to understand the value of foreign currencies compared to the value of the Brazilian Reais and how this impacts the country?s relationship with the trading market.

Trading is a great practice, as in any stall and shopping centers as well as online casinos, which knows the most important aspect is cash flow. Each casinosterson.com player knows a lot of different currencies that have their own value, as well as the PTAX slogan: What it is and how it works, which is an important part of trading. PTAX knows the value of foreign currencies just like online casinos, and how it affects the relationship of countries to the market.

O que é PTAX

It?s a tax used as a reference to determine an average equal value between Brazilian Reais and foreign currencies. In other words, it tells us ?How many reais a foreign currency cost.?, and it applies to all currencies, each of them having their own PTAX value based on their market status.

It?s important to note that this is not the same as the exchange rate: While the value of the exchange rate changes according to the market during the course of an entire day, once the PTAX?s daily value is stablished and disclosed, it doesn?t change again before the next day.

Muitas empresas, incluindo transportadoras, usam um spread para estabelecer o valor usado em suas transações comerciais. Esse spread é o valor da PTAX acrescido de um imposto extra que tem valor estabelecido pela própria empresa.

Como funciona?

Based off the buying and selling operations made through the day by the institutions that are a part of Brazil?s National Finances System, the Central Bank of Brazil makes four consultations a day during a specific time window to determine an average between the values involved in the operations.

Os dados necessários são informados pelos concessionários, sendo realizadas quatro consultas, das 10h às 13h10. Após a última consulta, o banco calcula o valor médio entre as operações de compra e venda e o valor da PTAX é compartilhado com o mercado e serve de referência para as transações monetárias.

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