


Demurrage e Detention: O que são?

Esses dois termos são usados com frequência no mundo do comércio internacional, mas, por mais importantes que sejam, nem todos estão familiarizados com os seus significados. O que eles têm em comum? O que os torna diferentes? Descubra [...]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

O que é a PTAX e como funciona

Trading in general is a practice that has money transactions as one of its most important aspects and, when we?re talking about International Trade, the money flow is constant and involves many different currencies each with their own values. The […]

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O que é LGPD e como ela afeta o Comércio Internacional?

In the era of technology, data is as valuable as a literal treasure. Especially if we are talking about personal information, that is essential to ongoing business processes as well as for marketing and narrowing down potential business relationships. In […]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

What type of education is needed in order to be a freight forwarder?

Before we go deeper into the requirements for becoming a freight forwarder, we need to understand what exactly a freight forwarder is and what is expected from this professional. In a nutshell, a freight forwarder is an agent who handles […]

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Quais são as informações necessárias ao obter uma cotação do seu agente de cargas?

As the middleman between the shippers and the carriers, the freight forwarder acts as an expert in logistics as they organize the entire process of transportation of cargo from their origin point to their final destination, providing a quote with […]

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Marketing News (Category Example)

Coronavirus: FOX Brasil follows the situation of Brazilian Ports and Airports (Update April 23 2020)

The World situation due to the COVID-19 is uncertain. We cannot be sure of the impacts on International Trade during and after the outbreak. FOX Brasil continues to monitor the coronavirus affect on Brazilian Market and here you will find […]

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Shipping environmental issues: How to avoid them?

Just like any other human activity, all means of transportation generate some kind of impact on the environment. As part of the most common shipping environmental issues, it is possible to mention the emission of atmospheric pollutants, burning and forest deforestation, […]

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